Thursday, December 19, 2013

I have a HUGE heart for homeless pets.  Mainly the four-legged fur babies.  I have 3 dogs.  My husband wishes we had no dogs, and I would have 20 if I could.  I was once told by someone that they wouldn't help me with a dog fundraiser because that money should help people.  The truth is, helping pets helps people in many many ways.  Spay and neutering animals helps control the pet population (yep, Bob Barker preached it).  It keep pets out of the shelters that are state funded.  We keep pets out of shelter then that's more money to go towards people.  Pets also are therapy dogs for children with special needs, therapy dogs for the men and women who sacrificed for our county.  Have you heard of dogs cheering up the elderly in nursing homes?  Animals love unconditionally.  I know mine, over the years, have been there to comfort when I was sad, mad, happy.  They are running buddies (well, not mine cause they are either old or lazy), protectors of the ones that need protection.  They warn families of danger, intruders, fires.  Dogs and cats aren't meant to be outside, alone. They crave and need companionship from their humans!  God wouldn't have given us these gifts if we wen rent supposed to have them.
This is Locker on the Left and Diesel on the Right. Telli doesn't like to have her picture taken, but she's a lab mix that's old and set in her ways.  

Are two of the organizations I have been happy to donate to, foster and adopt with.  There are so many animals that just need LOVE!  I see pictures and hear stories of the cruelty that's done to animals every day.  We need stricter laws and we need to stop buying animals and adopt!  There are puppies out there, purebred puppies!  

This is what Diesel did when left in the house with the other two.  Our DVD remote was in there too.  Luckily, I had the couch cushions in the laundry because of my potty training two year old.  
I managed to put the foam back in the couch and still have them.  

I love dogs, and some cats.  Here is a good read about shelter pets.  So, please, think about getting a shelter pet!

These reasons are not good enough.

Ok, that's my soapbox for the day!  
Thanks for stopping by.

Please consider adopting a pet.  They will love you no matter what!  But be sweet to them and treat them like the family they desire to be!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

DIY, here we go!

I decided that since I'm sort of staying and working here and there (Body Shop Athletics and Thirty-One) and the coupons aren't like they used to be, I better start trying to save a little extra money.  I'm not very crafyt, but I'm trying!  I checked online for all my ingredients, but decided that I would make the 30 minute trek across town to Devine Street in Columbia, SC to Earth Fare.  We really need one of these in Lexington!!

So, I decided I wanted to do homemade lip balm.  So, I found some tins at Etsy here.  Super sweet girl who sent me what I thought I needed.   I should have ordered more because I'm having a hard time finding a good price anywhere else.  I also cannot take credit for the recipe, but you can find it here.  I thought I took step by step pics, but I didn't.  I'll make more and post pics next time.  But, here is my finished product.  I want to decorate the top of the tins, and figured I'll use mod podge.

So, next DIY was Mens' Shaving soap!  Again, recipe found here!
So super easy to do.  I don't like that the hemp seed oil is green, but that's ok.  I actually tried this on my legs and under my arms and I LOVE IT!  No more store bought shaving cream for me!!  it doesn't lather a whole lot, but just enough.  Wesley liked it too.

Step by step process.
 I used a pot and a giant canning jar I found at Target.  Placed enough water to melt the soap.

 I kept stirring to make sure it didn't burn.  Also, didn't get the water above medium setting.
 This is the melt and pour soap I found on sale at Hobby Lobby.
 And the soap molds.  I couldn't find them today when I tried to make more so I used a coffee cup.
 Mixing the oatmeal.  When the soap was solid, the oatmeal settled to the bottom.  Looks cute though.

                                                                     Mixing it all in.

                                             Cooling and adding the oatmeal.
                                                    adding the hemp oil/vit E mixture
                                                                         the shea butter

                                                                essential oils

See the oatmeal?  It still works great!

Ok, so today, I decided to make my own laundry detergent.  Again, here is your website with the recipe.  I replaced the soap she recommends with Fels naphtha (1.37 at Walmart).  Here are my pics.
               The fels Naptha is for cleaning and stains

 the grated Fels Naptha
 added to boiling water to melt
 OOOPS!  a little too much heat!
 3 gallons warm water
 adding the Borax    and washing powder                                                                                 \
 melted fels naptha

After all is said and done, I spent the least amount of money on the laundry detergent.  I have 4 gallons of it right now and who know how long that will last. I have almost full boxes of Borax ($3.00) and Washing powder ($3.00)  The Fels Naptha is $1.37 and I have one extra.  I hope it cleans well, cause I'll be using it for a long time!

The lip balm and shaving soap are a little more pricey, but I'm using them for us and gifts, and still coming out cheaper that buying the same stuff!