Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Super Woman or just crazy!

So, twice last week a co-worker told me I was Super Woman. Why.......Married with a 3 year old, two dogs, a cat plus a stray cat, fostering dogs (soon to start) full time job, cake baking (part time job), gym, little gym, couponing, housekeeping, cooking, fundraising, football, lake, running, cycling, what am I forgetting,....... SLEEP! What is sleep? 3-4 hours a night. oh yeah, and trying to have baby number two.

So, where does this leave me? exhausted, cranky, but loving almost every minute of it.

I was told that I just do too much. How much is too much? I need to stay in shape, I want another baby. I love my animals, Locker, Telli, Tara... Missing my Bailey terribly and Boots. I welcome the stray Juliet who hasn't let me pet her yet, but enjoys Tara's food.

So, am I doing too much? Who knows. Here's to the next adventure