Saturday, November 13, 2010


Well....Life's full of them. What do we let disappoint us? Friends, family, 18 year olds playing football. Sure, our hearts drop when we lose another game...... But, do we need to get so upset? Think how the players the coaches feel...Do they have a job next week, next year? Do we let the taunts of our football foes get to us? Yeah, it all stinks, but it's just a game, or is it? It's a kid's dream to win a game. It's a coaches' family security on the line. I dunno, I guess I'm just used to losing this year.

The more I sit here and think of wow, wish we could have won that one... I realize where my priority is at the moment. Who else let's a football game disappoint them? You know what really matters? Jesus doesn't disappoint. He may not make that kicker score the winning point, make that ref reverse a call. He does take care of US! You have to believe, have faith. Do you pray for the right reasons? I hear and have said, "Please God, let him make it." He doesn't, but do we curse God? Lose faith? I would hope no would be the answer.

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